Create the Thrill of Magnetic Attraction

Have you ever felt that strong pull of magnetic attraction? The intangible thing that happens between two people. Your inexplicably drawn to them even if on the surface they don’t seem like your type.
You feel pulled in by a force you can’t explain. It’s energetic. It’s raw. It’s sexual. But it’s more than that. It’s a desire to know them. Really know them. Love at first sight? Lust at first sight? Whatever it is, it’s pure passion!

This attraction certainly happens with people who have just met but what if you’re in a long term relationship?
Can you feel the thrill of magnetic attraction when you’ve been together for years? In a word – YES!
How? By being open to it and knowing what it takes to create it.
The thrill of magnetic attraction happens when there is perfect distance between two people. It’s a range, not a specific mark between two points.
Think of magnets specifically. When you place two magnets close together you can feel the energy between them. You can feel the vibration of their pull. They are compelled to unite.
When there’s too much distance between the magnets there’s no energetic pull.
When two magnets are joined by the force that brought them together the vibration ceases. The same goes with people. If two people cease to retain their individuality and their lives are too enmeshed they run the risk of losing interest. Their individuality ceases and the vibration ceases.
Here’s how to create the thrill of magnetic attraction.
Stay true to yourself. Don’t lose yourself in relationship. Be true to who you are and what interests you. Maintain your sense of self, no matter how much time you spend together. Stay true to your own interests and you’ll be more interesting because those are the things that inspire you. Know yourself.
Let yourself be seen and known. Stay true to yourself and share your essence with your partner. Share what interests you. Share why. Let your partner know the little things you might not otherwise have shared. Surprise them by letting them in on thoughts and feelings they might not have anticipated you had. Let them know you on every level. Body, mind, heart and spirit.
Stay curious. Ask questions and don’t ever assume you know every nuance of who your partner is. People change over time. Ask open-ended questions. Ask about their thoughts and their feelings on specific topics. Then be open and pay attention to their answers. They may surprise you. Show interest in your partner and let them know you care about them at a deep level.
To create the thrill of magnetic attraction is to strive for the perfect distance between. Find that perfect distance and enjoy the thrilling vibrations.
Live a Happy, Sexy Life!
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